The Winter Ball had been arranged purely as the result of popular demand after the huge success of the BK’S Summer Ball.
This occasion got underway with the customary arrival drinks and greetings, relaxing the assembled Heroes into the fun to follow.
Our host for the evening was the energiser bunny that is Tarquin Hempstead who compered the event wonderfully. Particularly of note was when he tuned the guests into thinking of and recording their individual reasons for supporting this great charity.
This was a brilliant idea that produced some heart-warming and emotional responses which he shared with us on the evening. Thank you all for your love and support.
The live band ‘Stereo Soldiers’, performed brilliantly and soon had the dance floor filled with happy, dancing revellers to keep your Trustee Fiona Company (she does love to boogie).
The buffet provided by the fantastic staff of Rolls Royce Leisure Club was of excellent quality as usual and to aid digestion was followed by the musings of Trustee Dave. Tonight’s’ talk was special however in that it allowed us to introduce our newest Trustee, Danielle Nuttall. Danielle is Ben’s cousin and they were very close. It seemed apt that someone who had so much love for our founder and inspiration should also be our newest Trustee. Danielle should also help us to continue the development of BK’S HEROES, especially with her undoubted IT skills and knowhow. Welcome on board Dan.
The end of Dave’s talk allowed him to introduce our next surprise, the dedicated BK’S HEROES song written and performed by the hugely talented Sam Key. Not only had Sam written and produced this superb song, he had also travelled all the way from London to perform it live for the lucky crowd.
‘Stand Up for BK’S HEREOES’ was a huge hit on the night as the lyrics touched in our minds and hearts all that is special about Ben and the charity he started.
More music, dancing, laughing and friendship were then enjoyed till the evening sadly had to come to a close.
To all those that came, our Heroes one and all, thank you for your continued support.
For those yet to experience a BK’S event, then don’t miss your chance at the upcoming ‘Peaky Blinders Ball’ later this year. You won’t be disappointed!